/* CONTENT AUTHORS */ The content and opinions expressed on this site belong exclusively to the site owner and content authors. This file includes details about the designer and the tools used, but does not include information about individual (or group) site owners. /* DESIGNER */ Name: Matt Langford Web: https://mattlangford.com Contact: https://letterbird.co/matt Twitter/X: @mattslangford Micro.blog: @mtt Mastodon: @matt@mattlangford.com From: USA /* THANKS */ - https://micro.blog/otaviocc - https://micro.blog/jsonbecker - https://micro.blog/sod - https://micro.blog/manton - https://micro.blog/vincent - https://micro.blog/kalena /* SITE */ Standards: HTML5, CSS3 Software: Hugo, Git, Nova Theme: Tiny Theme for Micro.blog Version: 2.8.1 Design Repo: https://github.com/MattSLangford/Tiny-Theme-for-Micro.blog Theme Documentation Site: https://tiny.micro.blog Hosted by: https://micro.blog by https://manton.org Leave a Tip: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mattlangford